Evento Plastic Free Roma del 14/10/2023

The event organized by Plastic Free of the Rome section was held on Saturday 14 October at the Don Baldoni "Villa Chigi" park.

It is the neighborhood park where the shop is located and we wanted to actively participate in the initiative. I also went with our children because it is important to raise awareness among the new generations right from the start. It was also very nice to see the participation of the neighborhood families and their children.

Unfortunately, we have collected a lot of rubbish and it is unbelievable to see how much carelessness and insensitivity there is on the part of the people who leave waste around. Among other things, the area we cleaned is the one where there is the play area and training equipment. Seeing broken glass on the ground is frustrating for a parent who brings their child to an area that should be designed for fun and tranquility.

The event was also possible thanks to the councilor Rino Fabiano, AMA Roma and the group " Friends of Villa Chigi and Don Baldoni Park ".

The Plastic Free ONLUS is a beautiful organization that is doing a lot and manages to involve many people. It requires the participation of all people sensitive to this issue both actively and in the form of donations. Donations can be made at this link https://www.plasticfreeonlus.it/dona

We were very happy to have been able to participate and above all we know how essential it is to talk about these topics every day and do everything possible to combat environmental pollution.
As a shop belonging to the Outdoor world and a family very sensitive to this topic.
We thank Plastic Free Onlus and Plastic Free Roma in particular Paolo D'antoni responsible for the Roman section!
Author: Daniela Monteleone

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